Terms of Service


  1. Introduction: These Terms of Use govern your use of Chal8 and your agreement with us. Here are a few key things to note:

    • We can modify these Terms of Service at any time.
    • If you purchase a Subscription, it will automatically renew for additional periods of the same duration unless you cancel it.
    • Your rights may vary depending on where you are resident when you access Chal8.
    • If a dispute arises between you and us, you agree to notify us and agree to mediation before bringing any claim against us.
  2. Interpretation: In the Terms of Service:

    1. We refer to our website as "Chal8", including when accessed via the URL www.chal8.com;
    2. References to "we", "our", "us" are references to Nzoni Apps LLC, the operator of Chal8;
    3. Business User: a User who uses Chal8 for commercial reasons, whether acting on their own behalf or through someone else, including Referring Users;
    4. Consumer: all Users who are not Business Users;
    5. Content: any material Uploaded to Chal8 by any User, including photos, videos, audio, livestream material, data, text, metadata, images, and more;
    6. Contract between Fan and Creator: the terms which govern each Creator Interaction;
    7. Creator: a User who has set up their Chal8 account to post Content for Fans to view;
    8. Creator Earnings: the portion of a Fan Payment payable to a Creator after deducting all fees and applying relevant tax laws;
    9. Creator Interaction: an interaction on Chal8 that grants access to a Creator's Content, including Subscriptions, pay-per-view Content, and direct messages;
    10. Fan: a User who has registered for an account and can access a Creator's Content via a Creator Interaction;
    11. Fan Payment: any payment related to a Creator Interaction;
    12. Include, "Includes", and "Including" also mean "without limitation";
    13. Indirect Sales Taxes: any Tax that is statutorily applied to Fan Payments in any relevant jurisdiction;
    14. Notice, "Notify", and "Notification": our attempt to share information with you via email, account messages, or other means;
    15. Referring User: a User who participates in the Chal8 Referral Program;
    16. Subscription: a Fan's binding agreement to obtain access for a specific period of time to all content that a Creator makes available to Fans in exchange for authorised automatic renewal payments;
    17. Subsidiary: a legal entity of which Nzoni Apps LLC or a Nzoni Apps LLC Subsidiary, alone or with other Subsidiaries, owns or controls;
    18. Tax: all forms of tax and statutory, governmental charges, duties, imposts, contributions, levies, withholdings, or liabilities wherever chargeable in any applicable jurisdiction;
    19. Terms of Service (also called "your agreement with us"): the legally binding agreement between you and us, consisting of these Terms of Use, Acceptable Use Policy, Referral Program Terms, Platform to Business Regulation Terms, Complaints Policy, Appeals Policy, UK VAT Policy, and Community Guidelines;
    20. Upload: publish, display, post, type, input, or otherwise share any photos, videos, audio, livestream material, data, text, metadata, images, interactive features, emojis, GIFs, memes, and any other material whatsoever;
    21. User: any user of Chal8, whether a Creator or a Fan or both (also referred to as "you" or "your").
  3. Who we are and how to contact us: Chal8 is operated by Nzoni Apps LLC, a company registered in Delaware, USA. For questions, please email support@chal8.com.